A logo for mariposa gardening and design cooperative inc.

Andrea Hurd

Andrea (she/her) is the founder, general manager and a co-owner at Mariposa. She grew up in rural Oregon. Andrea’s family lived on an acre of land that supported fruit trees, berries, a large vegetable garden, and many flowers, especially roses. Growing up, Andrea would always spend her Saturday mornings in the garden with her mom, learning how to care for it all. In the early 90s, at Prescott College, Andrea earned her Permaculture Design Certification. As a member of The Stone Foundation, an international stonemason’s trade association, Andrea has gained training in the art of dry-stacked stone building in England, Scotland, Mallorca, and Cambodia.

Outside of work, Andrea loves to hike, spend time with her friends and also garden at home. She loves to travel and is excited about going back to Mallorca to continue studying stonework there. She loves reading, gardening, hiking and cooking.

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